The Senator fell this week.
Several years ago I had the privilege of seeing this 3500 year-old cypress tree between Longwood and Sanford, Florida . It is believed that the tree was struck by lightening and had been smoldering internally for a couple of weeks. This week flames consumed the ancient tree.
Nature has taken its course.
The king is dead. Long live the king!
The profound effect this tree had upon me has lasted through the years. I've written about the tree on several occasions, but I could never capture the depth of awe that I experienced upon seeing The Senator. The following poem that I wrote a few years ago comes closest.
Ancient One
A millennium is nothing new for you.
You've lived through two,
And half again as much.
Ancient Monarch,
You tower above the lesser trees
And do not note my presence,
Though I tremble in awe of you.
Breath does not come easy
As I approach your sacred feet,
Made holy for having stood
So long in this same place.
You have watched generations of life
Live and die, and be born again.
Still you stand, in your silence
Knowing that what is now
Will cease to be;
And what is to come,
Will not last.
Ancient Seer,
You know the Unknowable Truth,
And speak to the Creator like a brother.
So familiar are you to Him--
--and He to You--
I have trouble telling you apart.